How it started
This journey began when I volunteered to do a tribute slideshow for my Father who passed away in 2012. Then I started to get hired by friends to do tributes for their parents who passed on. As I made more and more tributes, my simple slideshows became more elaborate and entertaining, combining moving photos with video clips and effects. Then when my brother sadly passed away in 2023 I went all in for my brother and made the best Tribute I possibly could. The family rented out a local theater and I screened it in front of a packed house.
From that screening I got hired to do a variety of events. One was for an 88 yr young lady who wanted to throw her own a pre-memorial/ Birthday party for her family and friends. In fact she flew me out to New Mexico to present it! And most recently I did a Tribute video for a friend’s 70th birthday party! So if you’re in need of a custom video for your event, whether it’s for a party, celebration, Tribute of whatever, please consider me for the job.